Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Arbonne Boxing Week.........

December 26th - December 30th 
Enjoy Arbonne International's Kick Up Your Heals Event

Purchase 100$ and Receive 100$ of complimentary product. 
Choose your favourites or try something new.....
Contact Colten Mahood

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Great Way To List Your Santa Wishes

A Wish...

  A Read....

    A Want...

        A Need....

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Ornament DIY - As Seen On The PrettyBlog

Whats needed: A4 double sided printouts, scissors, pencil, something to trace a circle with (I used a cup), stapler, double sided tape or super glue ans some sort of string or ribbon.
1 & 2 – Use your cup and pencil to draw 12 circles onto your paper and cut them out.
3 & 4 – Fold all the circles in half and stack them on top of each other. It gives a different effect if you change the order of the stack, like alternating colours.
5 & 6 – Staple stack together on the grid of the fold.
7 & 8 – Stick the double sided tape onto the circle, about a quarter of the way from the bottom. Fold the facing flaps together and press to secure. On the next circle, stick the double sided tape about a quarter of the way from the top. Continue like this all the way around, alternating high and low with double sided tape.
9 – Now you can attach some string or a ribbon

Christmas Ornaments 11 Christmas Ornaments {Free Printables}

Monday, December 12, 2011

Friday, December 9, 2011

Whiten Naturally

To fade stains and prevent new ones, brush up on these healthy habits.......
  • If It Will Stain Your Shirt - It will stain your teeth. Limit the amount of blueberries, tomato, red wine, tea and coffee and you have in your diet.
  • Swish Away - Between bites swish water between bites and sips of dark foods and drinks to quickly rinse away any left over residue. 
  • Exfoliate Your Teeth - Crunch on apples, carrots and celery. Their fibrous texture exfoliates your teeth helping fend off plaque and discolouration.
  • Antioxidants For Your Teeth - Spinach and brocoli prevent stains by coating your teeth with a layer of antioxidants.
  • ALWAYS always brush and floss after every meal.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

57 Grand

header photo
Modern Wedding Wear
Inspired, Designed and Made in New York

Friday, December 2, 2011